Manashev Georgiy Gennadevich

Department-Clinic of Orthopedic Dentistry
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
Russian Federation

Professor Dentistry

Manashev Georgiy Gennadevich graduated from the stomatological faculty of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy. At the end of the academy he worked as an intern at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of KrasAgMA. From 1998 to 2000 he passed clinical residency at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry. Since 2000 he works at the Department of Human Anatomy, first as a senior laboratory assistant, and then as an assistant. In 2000 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. Scientific research was devoted to the constitutional features of the dentoalveolar system. At the present time he is finishing his work on the thesis for a doctor's degree "The patterns of variability of the dentoalveolar system of man". He has 40 scientific publications. G.G. Manashev does not leave practical dental work. He is the chairman of the Krasnoyarsk regional public organization "Association of Private Dentists". The sphere of interests of Georgiy Gennadyevich outside of anatomy is politics and sport. In 2001, he ran for the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Since 2003, secretary of the regional branch of the "Eurasia" party. Since 2004 he is a deputy of the Krasnoyarsk City Council.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Willis NG, Monroe FA, Potworowski JA, Halbert G, Evans BR, Smith JE, Andrews KJ, Spring L, Bradbrook A. Envisioning the future of veterinary medical education: the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Foresight Project, final report. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2007;34(1):1-41.
Weinländer M, Piehslinger E, Krennmair G. Removable implant-prosthodontic rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible: five-year results of different prosthetic anchorage concepts. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants. 2010 May 1;25(3):589.
Fitzgerald LR. Mechanisms controlling morphogenesis in developing teeth. Journal of dental research. 1969 Sep;48(5):726-31.
Heintze SD. Clinical relevance of tests on bond strength, microleakage and marginal adaptation. Dental Materials. 2013 Jan 31;29(1):59-84.