Associate Professor
Biblical and Theological Studies
Truett McConnell University
Maël Leo David Soliman Disseau is a Frenchman native of Milan, Italy, who, in good Marpeckian tradition, is an engineer turned theologian. He is married to Cindy, his college sweetheart. A contributor to 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching and The Anabaptists and Contemporary Baptists, Maël has interests in Anabaptistica, Systematic Theology (especially Ecclesiology), and pastoral ministries. He also has a heart for missions and ministry in the francophone world. He has taught the gamut from eighth grade to graduate classes to senior adult Sunday school, covering topics as varied as engineering, math, Baptist history, New Testament, preaching, and theology. Over the years, he has served local churches in a variety of capacities, including the roles of deacon and pastor. He currently serves as Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies and Undergraduate Program Coordinator for the Christian Studies Degrees in the School of Theology and Missions at Truett McConnell University.
Biblical and Theological Studies