M. Judith Radin

Department of Veterinary Biosciences
Food Animal Health Research Program, OARDC
United States of America

Professor Cardiology

M. Judith Radin had done her BS, DVM from Cornell University and PhD from Colorado State University. At preent she is Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University.

Research Intrest

Mechanisms of blood pressure control and impact of hypertension on development of renal and cardiac dysfunction Modulatory effects of non-pathologic cytokines on response to pathological cytokines in the development of cardiovascular disease Renal physiology and pathophysiology, including hemodynamic and hormonal alterations in disease and possible means of therapeutic intervention.

List of Publications
Radin MJ, Holycross BJ, Hoepf TM, McCune SA. 2003. Increased salt sensitivity secondary to leptin resistance in SHHF rats is mediated by endothelin. Molecular Cell Biochem 242: 57-63.
Emter CA, McCune SA, Sparagna GC, Radin MJ, Moore RL. 2005. Low-Intensity Exercise Training Delays the Onset of Decompensated Heart Failure in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Heart Failure (SHHF) Rat. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 289: H2030 - H2038.
Corn SC, Wellman ML, Burkhard MJ, Russell J, Radin MJ. 2008. IgM paraprotein interference with hemoglobin measurement using the CELL-DYN 3500. Vet Clin Path. 37:61-65. Published first online: 22-Feb-2008 doi: 10.1111/j.1939-165X.2008.00004.x
Radin MJ, Holycross BJ, Dumitrescu C, Kelley R, Altschuld RA. 2008. Leptin modulates the negative inotropic effect of interleukin-1β in cardiac myocytes Molecular Cell Biochem. 315:179-184.
Radin MJ, Holycross BJ, Hoepf TM, McCune SA. 2008. Salt Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy Is Independent of Blood Pressure and Endothelin in Obese, Heart Failure Prone SHHF Rats. Clin Expt Hypertension. 30:541-552.