Design of digital learning material on social-psychological theories for nutrition behavior research
Busstra, M.C. ; Graaf, C. de; Hartog, R.J.M. (2007)
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 16 (2). - p. 163 - 182.
Training aspects in the use and production of food composition databases. The EuroFIR experience.
Hollman, P.C.H. ; Witthöft, C. ; Busstra, M.C. ; Elburg, L. ; Hulshof, P.J.M. (2009)
Food Chemistry 113 (3). - p. 842 - 845.
EURRECA: development of tools to improve the alignment of micronutrient recommendations
Matthys, C. ; Bucchini, L. ; Busstra, M.C. ; Cavelaars, A.J.E.M. ; Eleftheriou, P. ; Garcia-Alvarez, A. ; Fairweather-Tait, S. ; Gurinovic, M. ; Ommen, B. van; Contor, L. (2010)
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Differences in Learning Processes between Successful and Less Successful Students in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in the Field of Human Nutrition and Health
Noroozi, O. ; Biemans, H.J.A. ; Busstra, M.C. ; Mulder, M. ; Chizari, M. (2011)
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (1). - p. 309 - 318.
Nutrient analysis explained for non-chemists by using interactive e-learning material
Busstra, M.C. ; Hulshof, P.J.M. ; Houwen, J. ; Elburg, L. ; Hollman, P.C.H. (2012)
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 25 (1). - p. 88 - 95.