Lynette Cole

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Food Animal Health Research Program, OARDC
United States of America


Lynette Cole had done her DVM in 1989 from University of Tennessee and in 1999 MS from The Ohio State University. At present she is Associate Professor of Dermatology at The Ohio State University.

Research Intrest

Ear disease, Endoscopy, Veterinary sciences

List of Publications
Hillier A, Cole LK, Kwochka KW, McCall C. Late-phase reactions to intradermal testing with Dermatophagoides farinae in healthy dogs and dogs with house dust-mite induced atopic dermatitis. Am J Vet Research 2002; 63, 69-73.
Cole LK, Kwochka KW, Podell M, Hillier A, Smeak D. Evaluation of radiology, otoscopy, pneumotoscopy, impedance audiometry and endoscopy for the diagnosis of otitis media. In: Thoday KL, Foil CS, Bond R, eds. Advances in veterinary dermatology, volume 4. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Co, 2002; 49-55.
Cole LK, Kwochka KW, Kowalski JJ, Hillier A, Hoshaw-Woodard SL. Evaluation of an ear cleanser for the treatment of infectious otitis externa in dogs. Vet Therapeutics 2003; 4: 12-23.
Randall A, Hillier A, Cole LK, Kwochka KW, Needham G, Wassom DL. Quantitation of house dust mites and house dust mite allergens in the microenvironment of dogs. Am J Vet Res 2003; 1301-1309.
Randall A, Hillier A, Cole LK, Kwochka KW, Needham G, Wassom DL. Quantitation of house dust mite allergens (Der f 1 and group 2) on the skin and hair of dogs. Am J Vet Res 2005; 66: 143-149.