Lyall R. Hanton

Otago University
New Zealand

Professor Chemistry

Professor Lyall R. Hanton (Head of Department) Coordination and metallosupramolecular chemistry

Research Intrest

We use a building block approach to synthesize metallosupramolecular networks. Using our expertise in transition metal coordination chemistry and ligand synthesis, we are building networks based on a variety of flexible thio-substituted oligopyridines as linkers between various metal ion connectors such as Ag(I), Cu(I) and Cu(II). One recent success has been the preparation of a mixed-valence netowrk of halide-bridged Cu(I) and Cu(II) centres. It is the first such network with strictly alternating Cu(I) and Cu(II) centres. We are currently investigating the magnetic properties of this new material.

List of Publications
Blake, A.J., Brooks, N.R., Champness, N.R., Hanton, L.R., Hubberstey, P. and Schröder (1998). Copper(I) halide supramolecular networks linked by N-heterocyclic donor bridging ligands. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 70, 2351–2357.
Blake, A.J., Brooks, N.R., Champness, N.R., Crew, M., Hanton, L.R., Hubberstey, P., Parsons, S. and Schröder (1999). Two- and three-dimensional CuSCN coordination networks including new CuSCN structural motifs. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, ?, 2813–2817.
Lee, K. and Hanton, L.R. (1999). C–S bond cleavage by chloride in a thioester N2S2 complex of platinum. Inorganic Chemistry, 38, 1634–1638.

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