Luo Guoqing

College of electronics and information
Hangzhou Dianzi University

Professor Engineering

Luo Guoqing, male, graduated from Southeast University in 2007, received a doctorate in electromagnetic field and microwave technology professional engineering, in the same year started teaching in Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology of Microelectronics CAD, In 2009 was awarded National Excellent Doctoral thesis award, the same year selected the Ministry of education of the new century talent support program, in 2011 , promoted to professor . The research field involves radio frequency / microwave / millimeter wave devices, circuits, integrated antenna, frequency selective surface and electromagnetic field numerical algorithm, has been responsible for the National Natural Science Foundation, the National 863 Plan and Zhejiang Province Jinjie Youth Fund and other provincial and ministerial level scientific research project. Related research are invited to international conferences do invite domestic report 3 times were published 28 papers, including authoritative international academic journal papers 12 papers, SCI EI indexed papers were 19 24- Pian , the paper cited more than 200 times , authorized invention patents and more items .

Research Intrest

Electromagnetic field microwave technology professional engineering.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering