Lung, David P.Y.

Department of Architecture
University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Professor Engineering

Registered Architect, Professor of Architecture, and Lady Edith Kotewall Professor in the Built Environment, David Lung is internationally recognized for his scholarship and work in the field of vernacular architecture, heritage conservation and World Heritage properties. 

Research Intrest

 Heritage conservation, vernacular architecture

List of Publications
Lung, P. Y. “Gailun: wenwu bayou zhi lilun jichu yu shijian – Chengzhong luzhou zhi qifa” (General Account: Theory and Practice in Heritage Conservation – Inspirations from Central Oasis) in Chengzhong Luzhou – Gongzhong canyu (Urban Oasis – Community Participation). HK: Urban Renewal Authority Lung, D. “Built Heritage in Transition: a Critique on Hong Kong’s Conservation Movement and the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance”, in Hong Kong Law Journal, Spring edition
2013 Lung, P. Y. “Gailun: wenwu bayou zhi lilun jichu yu shijian – Chengzhong luzhou zhi qifa” (General Account: Theory and Practice in Heritage Conservation – Inspirations from Central Oasis) in Chengzhong Luzhou – Gongzhong canyu (Urban Oasis – Community Participation). HK: Urban Renewal Authority. 2012 Lung, D. “Built Heritage in Transition: a Critique on Hong Kong’s Conservation Movement and the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance”, in Hong Kong Law Journal, Spring edition, vol. 42, pp. 121-141 Part I [ISSN 0378 0600]. 2012 Lung, D. “Tai O Police Station, a Building of Special Merit?” in Old Tai O Police Station-The Evolution of a Centenary Monument, ed. Tris Kee et al. HK: HK Heritage Conservation Foundation Ltd. p. 10-11. [ISBN 978 988 16020 15]. 2011 Lung, D. “How to Interpret Cultural Significance in Hakka Architecture”? in Hakka Architecture of Mei County, Guangdong, ed. Yu Zhi, HK: HK Commercial Press, pp. xii to xiv. [ISBN 978-7-80103-820-3] 2011 Lung, D. “The First Christian College and the First Generation of Chinese Architects in Hong Kong”, in Chung Chi Original Campus Architecture - Hong Kong Chinese Architects’ Practice of Modern Architecture by Gu Daqing, HK: Chung Chi College, CUHK. [ISBN 978-962-8216-22-2]

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