Louise Thibault

Associate Professor; RD (Registered Dietitian OPDQ
School of Human Nutrition
McGill University

Professor Nutrition

BSc, Dietetics, Université Laval MSc, Nutrition, Université Laval PhD, Nutrition, Université Laval

Research Intrest

Dr. Thibault’s research activities are in the general area of nutrition and behaviour, focusing in understanding the underlying neuroendocronological events involved in the nutritional modulation of feeding behaviour. Significant research contributions include the elucidation of sensory-specific learned eating, a widely assumed but under-researched form of dietary learning. Such learnt coordination of metabolic effects of foods with their sensory characteristics in determining choices of what foods to eat and how much to eat of them is of growing interest to the scientific community. These findings are also central to the intake of energy that contributes to obesity.

List of Publications
Optimization of cord blood unit sterility testing: impact of dilution, analysis delay, and inhibitory substances. Girard M1, Laforce-Lavoie A1, de Grandmont MJ1, Cayer MP1, Fournier D2, Delage G3, Thibault L1.
Quantitative assessment of haemolysis secondary to modern infusion pumps. Poder TG1,2, Boileau JC3, Lafrenière R4, Thibault L5, Carrier N2, de Grandmont MJ5, Beauregard P3,4.
Optimization of cord blood unit sterility testing: impact of dilution, analysis delay, and inhibitory substances. Girard M1, Laforce-Lavoie A1, de Grandmont MJ1, Cayer MP1, Fournier D2, Delage G3, Thibault L1.