Associate Dean
Health & Human Sciences
Plymouth University
United Kingdom
Liz received her BSc and PhD degrees in Psychology from the University of Plymouth in 1988 and 1991 respectively. After obtaining her doctorate she worked as a Senior Psychologist for the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency in Farnbrough before returning to academia in 1994 to take up a Lectureship in Applied Psychology at the City University in London. In 1999 she returned to the Psychology Department in Plymouth where she now works as an Associate Professor (Reader). A Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy was awarded in 2014.
He is a member of the University of Plymouth's Cognition Institute and also Brain, Cognition and Behavior Group based in the School of Psychology . My general research interests are in applied cognitive psychology and human factors. Specifically, my research focusses on risk communication for emergency preparedness, the design and implementation of auditory and visual warning systems, risk communication and behavioural compliance and the promotion of safe behaviour in relation to driving. I am a member of the Ergonomics Society, and an Associate Fellow of British Psycological Society and an Associate of the Emergency Planning Society.