Lindomar José Pena

Virology and Experimental Therapy
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Professor Microbiology

Lindomar José Pena was Adjunct Professor of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) -João Pessoa for 2 years, where he coordinated the projects of creation of the Master in Biotechnology as well as the Tutorial Program to Support Basic Disciplines. He is currently a Researcher at Fiocruz-Pernambuco. In addition, Dr. Lindomar is a permanent professor of the following Graduate Programs: Bio sciences and Biotechnology in Health of Fiocruz, Genetics of UFPE , Development and Technological Innovation in Medicines of UFRPE. He has experience in the areas of human and animal virology, molecular biology, genetics and vaccine development.

Research Intrest

Human and Animal virology, Molecular biology, Genetics and Vaccine development.

List of Publications
Guedes DR, Paiva MH, Donato MM, Barbosa PP, Krokovsky L, Rocha SW, Saraiva K, Crespo MM, Rezende TM, Wallau GL, Barbosa RM. Zika virus replication in the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus in Brazil. Emerging microbes & infections. 2017 Aug 9;6(8):e69.
Carvalho OV, Félix DM, Tozato CC, Fietto JL, Almeida MR, Bressan GC, Pena LJ, Silva-Júnior A. 6-methylmercaptopurine riboside, a thiopurine nucleoside with antiviral activity against canine distemper virus in vitro. Virology Journal. 2017 Jun 26;14(1):124.
Cumberworth SL, Barrie JA, Cunningham ME, de Figueiredo DP, Schultz V, Wilder-Smith AJ, Brennan B, Pena LJ, de Oliveira França RF, Linington C, Barnett SC. Zika virus tropism and interactions in myelinating neural cell cultures: CNS cells and myelin are preferentially affected. Acta neuropathologica communications. 2017 Jun 23;5(1):50.
Meneses JD, Ishigami AC, de Mello LM, de Albuquerque LL, de Brito CA, Cordeiro MT, Pena LJ. Lessons learned at the epicenter of Brazil’s congenital Zika epidemic: evidence from 87 confirmed cases. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2017 Feb 24;64(10):1302-8.