Lin Li

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Texas
United States of America

Professor Physics

Lin Li currently working as Assistant Professor University of Texas, El Paso. Previous experience: Research Assistant Professor, Clemson University, 2015-2017; Research Associate, Clemson University, 2012-2015; Postdoctoral Fellow, Clemson University, 2011-2012; Ph.D. (Biophysics), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2005-2011; B.S. (Physics), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2001-2005.

Research Intrest

Molecular dynamic simulations, Computational method for protein/DNA/RNA simulations, Protein-protein interactions, Protein-RNA/DNA interactions, Protein-ligand docking, Mechanisms of molecular motors 

List of Publications
Lin Li, Joshua Alper, Emil Alexov (2016) Cytoplasmic dynein binding, run length, and velocity are guided by long-range electrostatic interactions. Scientific Reports 6.
Lin Li, Arghya Chakravorty, Emil Alexov (2017) DelPhiForce, a tool for electrostatic force calculations: Applications to macromolecular binding. J Comput Chem 38: 584-593.
Chakravorty, Arghya, Zhe Jia, Lin Li, Emil Alexov (2017) A new DelPhi feature for modeling electrostatic potential around proteins: Role of bound ions and implications for Zeta-potential. Langmuir.