
Prof. Liao Li-Zhi is a Professor who earned his B.Sc degree in mathematics. He got hid PhD degree from Cornell University. His research mainly focuses on Continuous Method for Optimization, Theory and Computation of Optimization and Optimal Control, Parallel Computing

Research Intrest

Continuous Method for Optimization, Theory and Computation of Optimization and Optimal Control, Parallel Computing

List of Publications
D Chu, LZ Liao, MK Ng, XY Wang (2015) Incremental linear discriminant analysis: a fast algorithm and comparison. IEEE TNNLS 26: 2716-2735.
X Qian, LZ Liao, J Sun (2017) Analysis of some interior point continuous trajectories for convex programming. Optimization 66: 589-608.
H Zhu, X Zhang, D Chu, LZ Liao (2017) Noncovex and nonconvex optimization with generalized orthogonality constraints: an approximate augmented Lagrangian method. J Sci Comput 72: 331-372.