Li Lihua

college of life information and instrument engineering
Hangzhou Dianzi University

Professor Engineering

Li Lihua, Ph.D., Professor, doctoral tutor, Dean, School of Life Information and Instrument Engineering, Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology. National Outstanding Youth Fund winner, "the new century millions of talent project" national candidate. Mainly engaged in life and health science in the information processing theory and technology research, around the early diagnosis of disease and individualized treatment of biomedical information processing, intelligent diagnosis and treatment and medical equipment research and development issues such as theoretical research and technological innovation to better Detection, diagnosis, treatment and treatment of diseases. He has been an associate professor of research at the University of South Florida in the United States, a researcher at Moffitt Cancer Research Center, medical journalist and other international journal editors, the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense project reviewers, the United States Tampa Bay area Chinese Association President, South China University of South Wales Chinese Students and Scholars Association consultant. Presided over and participated in the completion of the national climbing project topics, the national 863 project topics, the National Outstanding Youth Fund, the provincial major science and technology projects, the provincial natural science key funds and the US Department of Defense and NIH and other projects more than 20 items. Patented ten, of which two US patents were used by Kodak. Published scientific research papers and foreign writings more than 150 articles. Now presided over the National Natural Science Foundation, the State Key Basic Research and Development Program (973) and other projects and topics. In 2012 by the Chinese overseas sector contribution award (innovative talent

Research Intrest

Electronic Science and Technology

Global Scientific Words in Engineering