Leigh Burgoyne

Emeritus Professor
Biological Sciences
Flinders University

Professor Biochemistry

Degrees: Bachelors 1962; Hons 1963; Except for one year of relatively pure genetics at Yale, work has mainly been in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry and research has mainly been with DNA and chromatin, genetics and genome structure since 1965. Been in Forensic-related DNA technology since 1987. Fulbright Scholar 1967-68 P (Fulbright scholar) Yale University, Connecticut USA 1967-68; Certificate awarded to Flinders technologies and the Flinders University of South Australia, in "Excellence in the development of technology from a University." th May 1999. SA-great award for Science, Awarded 28th December 1999 (Proclamation day). Details as per award- Science, 1999 SA great Award, Mentor South Australian Museum,

Research Intrest

Forensic DNA, in particular molecular biology of complex mixtures such as detritus and metagenomes and the development of forensic-DNA technique; particularly for high-speed low cost applications such as DVI . Macrofungal genetics and the production and extraction of antiobiotics from macrofungi. Emeritis Prof. Burgoyne is mainly offering co-supervision for students that wish to do a main study in molecular forensic science of detritus (not humans or vertebrates) or closely related problems in ecology where it is necessary for custom-developed molecular methods to be developed for a project. Such a student would need a principal supervisor as well as Prof. Burgoyne as co-supervisor.

List of Publications
Rasmussen, J.P., Barbez, P.H., Burgoyne, L.A. and Saint, C.P. (2008). Rapid preparation of cyanobacterial DNA for real-time PCR analysis. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 46(1) pp. 14-19.
Burgoyne, L.A., Koh, L.Y. and Catcheside, D.E. (2015). A study of one soil, its relatives and contaminants by arbitrary primed PCR with 50mer based analysis. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 5 pp. e503-e505.
Petrisor, I.G., Parkinson, R.A., Horswell, J., Waters, J.M., Burgoyne, L.A., Catcheside, D.E., et al. (2006). Microbial forensics. In Robert Morrison, Brian Murphy, ed. Environmental Forensics - Contaminant Specific Guide. Burlington, USA: Academic Press, pp. 227-258.
Burgoyne, L.A., Koh, L. and Catcheside, D.E. (2017). Arbitrarilt timed PCR for comparison of metagenomes and extracting useful loci from them. In Lucilia Domingues, ed. PCR methods and protocols. New York NY: Springer, pp. 267-280.
Burgoyne, L.A., Catcheside, D.E., Kirkbride, K.P. and Pearman, C. (2012). Assessment of the utility of obtaining human profiles from drug seizures. Canberra: National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry