Lange, Christian Johannes

Senior Lecturer
Department of Architecture
University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Professor Engineering

Christian J. Lange is a German architect and Assistant Professor of Architecture in the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. He teaches Architectural Design III and gives courses and seminars in the Visual communication sequence. He received his Master’s of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University in 2003 and his Diploma in Architecture from the HTWK Leipzig, Germany in 2001. From 2002 to 2003 Christian Lange was a scholar of the German academic exchange Service, DAAD, Germany. He is the recipient of the Lucille Smyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize and a William Kinne Fellows Prize, both from Columbia University.

Research Intrest

Advanced digital design techniques ,Fabrication techniques in architecture

List of Publications
Lange CJ (2015)Rocker-Lange Architects: Shanghai Lilong Tower Urbanism, Shanghai, China Journal:Architectural Design

Global Scientific Words in Engineering