
Emeritus Professor
Department of Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Science


K.T.Jacob is currently Emeritus Professor of Department of Materials Engineering Indian Institute of Science. He completed his B.Sc. (1964), in Univ. of Mysore,CollegeB.E. (1967), IISc D.Sc.(Engg) (1986), Univ. of London Ph.D. (1970), Univ. of LondonD.I.C. (1970). He got International Hoffman Memorial Prize; National Metallurgists Day Award; MRSI Medal; Prof. Brahm Prakash Memorial Medal (INSA); Prof. Rustom Chokshi Award for Excellence in Research(IISc); Extraction and Processing Science Award(TMS); G.D. Birla Gold Medal (IIM), Materials Scientist of the Year Award(MRSI); Syed Husain Zaheer Medal(INSA).He published more than 300 articles.

Research Intrest

Classical, Statistical and Irreversible Thermodynamics of Materials, Solid State Sensors, High Temperature Corrosion, Phase Equilibria, Materials Processing, Nano Science & Technology, Fuel cells.