Dr. Kozaily is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Rafik Hariri University (RHU). His teaching specialties are in Thermodynamics, Energy Conversion, Gas Turbines and Computational Fluid Dynamics. He holds a M.S. in Aerospace Propulsion and worked previously at the Rolls-Royce UTC center (Cranfield, UK), investigating the altitude relight problem in jet engines. His Ph.D. research work in materials science was undertaken at the Institut Laue-Langevin (Grenoble, France), the world’s leading facility in neutron science and technology, where he developed a novel aerodynamic levitation technique that enables the study of materials at very high temperatures (> 3000°C). His research interests focus on Gas Turbines and on the structure and dynamics of high temperature liquids. Dr. Kozaily has a particular interest in music and plays the “Kanun” music instrument.
Gas Turbines;Computational Fluid Dynamics;Structure and Dynamics of Liquids and Glasses.