Dr. Karin Wittenberg has a doctorate in Ruminant Nutrition from the University of Manitoba, where she is now Associate Dean, Research in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. An initiative led by Dr. Wittenberg has resulted in the recent establishment of the National Centre for Livestock and the Environment at the University of Manitoba to study the long-term impact of conventional and alternative livestock and land management practices on environmental, economic and human health. The $10.5 M initiative has brought animal and plant scientists together with microbiologists, engineers and food scientists to identify food production strategies that are ecologically and economically sound in the longer term. An exciting addition to the National Centre for Livestock and the Environment is the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre a $5 M facility which was officially opened in 2010.
grassland agriculture, enteric methane emissions, dairy cattle, beef cattle, hay, silage, environmental sustainability