Kevin Kleinow

Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Louisiana State University
United States of America


Dr. Kevin Kleinow is currently working as Professor of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology in School of Veterinary Medicine. His research interests are Comparative Biomedical Sciences, biotransformation etc.  

Research Intrest

Dr. Kleinow's research interests center on mechanistic and applied aspects of aquatic animal toxicology, physiology and pharmacology. Focus areas include 1) biotransformation and transporter functions as modulators of xenobiotic bioavailability and excretion; 2) elaboration of basic mechanisms involved in the disposition of carcinogens, drugs and other xenobiotics in aquatic species; 3) the food chain transfer and consumption of xenobiotics within and from the aquatic food chain and 4) dispositional aspects of developmental toxicity.

List of Publications
James, M.O., Z. Tong, L. Rowland-Faux, C.S. Venugopal and K.M. Kleinow. 2001. Intestinal bioavailability and biotransformation of 3-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene in an isolated perfused preparation from channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 29:721-728.
Kleinow, K. M., Alvania, R. (2011). Slick Science: Will New BP Funds Keep Gulf Genomics Afloat? Leading Edge Analysis Interview. Cell(146), 343-345.
Bui, A., Xiao, R., Perveen, Z., Kleinow, K. M., Penn, A. L. (2012). Zebrafish embryos sequester and retain petrochemical combustion products: developmental and transcriptome consequences. Aquatic Toxicology, 108, 23-32.