Kelly A. Grant

Assistant Professor
Biology Department
Gannon University
United States of America

Professor Biochemistry

Haverford College, BA in Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Washington, Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology; 2005. Glial cells regulate neuromast precursor cells in the zebrafish lateral line. University of Colorado, Health Science Center - Postdoctoral Fellow, 2006-2008. American Association for the Advancement of Science - Science Policy Fellow, 2008-2010.

Research Intrest

Developmental Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Environmental Issues.

List of Publications
Lister JA, Cooper C, Nguyen K, Modrell M, Grant K, eet al. (2006) Zebrafish Foxd3 is required for development of a subset of neural crest derivatives. Dev Biol 290: 92-104.
Grant KA, Raible DW, Piotrowski T (2005) Regulation of latent sensory hair cell precursors by glia in the zebrafish lateral line. Neuron 45: 69-80.
Powell DR, Law J, Grant KA, Artinger KB (2011) prdm1a and olig4 act downstream of Notch signaling to regulate cell fate at the neural plate border. Dev Biol 356: 496-505.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry