Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Boise State University
United States of America

Professor Nursing

Connor moved to Boise in 2006 and began working as a faculty member at Boise State University. Her primary teaching responsibilities have been in maternity nursing, skills, health assessment, and informatics. Connor currently teaches in the healthcare simulation certificate program, the Doctor of Nursing Practice program, and the bachelor of science in nursing program.

Research Intrest

Her research interests include simulation, educational gaming, interprofessional education, and informatics.

List of Publications
Mixon, D. & Connor, K. (2007). How to make sure your poster is worth a thousand words. In K.T. Heinrich, A Nurse’s Guide to Presenting and Publishing: Dare to Share. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Reavy, K., Hereford, M., Connor, K. (2011). Practical tools for rural education: Integrating technology into the teaching-learning process. In E. Bell & C. Zimitat (Eds.), Rural medical education: Practical strategies(pp.123-134). Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science.
Veltman, M., Connor, K., Honey, M., Diener, S., & Bodily, D. (2012). Collaborative practice through simulations in a multiuser virtual environment, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 30(2), 63-67. doi: 10.1097/NXN.0b013e31824a8b89
Honey, M.L.L., Connor, K., Veltman, M., Bodily, D. and Diener, S. (2012). Teaching with Second Life: Haemorrhage management as an example of a process for developing simulations for Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs), Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 8(3), e79-e85. doi: 10.1016/j.ecns.2010.07.003.
Connor, K. (2012). Immersive virtual reality environments for perioperative nursing. Perioperative Nursing Clinics, 7(2), 251-255
Connor, K. (2013). Test Questions for Maternity Nursing in D. Billings and D. Hensel (Eds). Lippincott’s Q and a review for NCLEX-RN 11th Ed, Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins