Whippy, K. (2014). Utilising playfulness to maximise learning and development in the early years. Proceedings of the Vaka Pasifiki Education Conference, 24 & 25 September 2014, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga- Weaving Theory and Practice in Teacher Education for Oceania: IOE-USP.
Whippy, K. (in print). An exploration of the iTaukei expressions of play and its implications for early learning and development. PhD thesis-in progress. The University of the South Pacific: Suva, Fiji.
Whippy, K. Tiko, L & Gounder, N. (in print). Towards improving partnership in Education: re-examining the economics of education with specific reference to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in selected Small Island States (SIS). Report findings of a collaborative research initiative funded by the USP Research Office.