Kelesi Whippy

University of south pacific


Kelesi Whippy is working in department of School of Education in University of South pacific located in Fiji,

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Whippy, K. (2014). Utilising playfulness to maximise learning and development in the early years. Proceedings of the Vaka Pasifiki Education Conference, 24 & 25 September 2014, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga- Weaving Theory and Practice in Teacher Education for Oceania: IOE-USP.
Whippy, K. (in print). An exploration of the iTaukei expressions of play and its implications for early learning and development. PhD thesis-in progress. The University of the South Pacific: Suva, Fiji.
Whippy, K. Tiko, L & Gounder, N. (in print). Towards improving partnership in Education: re-examining the economics of education with specific reference to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in selected Small Island States (SIS). Report findings of a collaborative research initiative funded by the USP Research Office.