Karsten Rebner

Applied Chemistry
Reutlingen University

Professor Clinical Sciences

Prozessanalytik, Projekt Orientiertes Lernen (POL)

Research Intrest

Prozessanalytik, Photonik, Spektroskopie, Chemical Imaging

List of Publications
Strathmann H , Bell , Kerres J(1990) Gas separation and pervaporation: Membrane and module development.Desalination 77 : 259-278
CM Bell(2016) Comparison of polyelectrolyte coated PVDF membranes in thermopervaporation with porous hydrophobic membranes in membrane distillation using plate-and-frame modules.Chemical Engineering and Processing
"Boldrini B., Kessler W, Rebner K, Kessler RW (2012) Hyperspectral imaging: a review of best practice, performance and pitfalls for in-line and online applications. J. Near Infrared Spectrosc 20:438 – 508.
"Oelkrug D, Brun M, Hubner P, Rebner K, Boldrini B, et al. (2012) Penetration of Light into Multiple Scattering Media; model calculations and reflectance experiments. Part I: The Axial transfer. Applied Spectroscopy 66: 934-943.
"Oelkrug D, Brun M, Hubner P, Rebner K, Boldrini B, et al.(2013) Penetration of Light into Multiple Scattering Media: Model Calculations and Reflectance Experiments. Part II: The Radial Transfer.Applied Spectroscopy 67:385-395.

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