Karina Braga Gomes Borges

Faculty of Pharmacy
Federal University of Minas Gerais

Professor Microbiology

Karina Braga Gomes Borges has a degree in Pharmacy with a degree in Biochemistry - Clinical Analysis by UFMG. PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from UFMG, with emphasis on Human and Medical Genetics. She holds the position of assistant professor in the Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis at the Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG, and is a professor in the Clinical Biochemistry Sector. Minister disciplines in the graduation course of Pharmacy and Biomedicine and in the Graduate. Sub-coordinator of the College of Biomedicine. Adviser of masters and doctorate by the Graduate Program in Genetics (ICB / UFMG) and Graduate Program in Clinical Analyzes (Pharmacy / UFMG). It operates in research lines involving molecular mechanisms and biomarkers of insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and pre-eclampsia.

Research Intrest

Molecular diagnosis of genetic, infectious diseases, Genetics

List of Publications
PERUCCI, LO ; VIEIR, ELM; TEIXEIRA, AL; Gomes, Karina Braga ; DUSSE, LMS ; SOUSA, LP . Decreased plasma concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in preeclampsia. Clinica Chimica Acta (Print) , v. 464, p. 142-147, 2017.
Gomes, Karina Braga . IL-6 and type 1 diabetes mellitus: T cell responses and increase in IL-6 receptor surface expression. Annals of Translational Medicine, V. 5, p. 16-16, 2017.
REIS, GVOP; GONTIJO, NA; RODRIGUES, KF ; Alves, Michelle T .; Ferreira, CN ; Gomes, Karina Braga . Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and the polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research , p. 1-11, 2017.