Kari A. Segraves

Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Syracuse University
United States of America


Kari A. Segraves is an associate professor in Department of Biology of Syracuse University, New York United States. Her lab uses a broad combination of approaches including experimental ecology, field observations, molecular phylogenetics, and population genetics to understand the role that interspecific interactions play in creating diversity.

Research Intrest

Coevolution, mutualism, evolution of plant-insect interactions.

List of Publications
Althoff DM, Xiao W, Sumoski S, Segraves KA (2013) Florivore impacts on plant reproductive success and pollinator mortality in an obligate pollination mutualism. Oecologia 173: 1345-1354.
Althoff DM, Segraves KA, Johnson MT (2014) Testing for coevolutionary diversification: linking pattern with process. Trends in ecology & evolution 29: 82-89.
Glennon KL, Ritchie ME, Segraves KA (2014) Evidence for shared broad‐scale climatic niches of diploid and polyploid plants. Ecology Letters 17: 574-582.