Karen L. Martin

Natural Science Division
Pepperdine University
United States of America

Professor Toxicology

Professor Karen Martin, from the School of Education and Professional Studies, has been awarded a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship of $90,000 for an important sector-wide program entitled, Aboriginal Studies In Higher Education in the 21st Century: a framework for learning; teaching; leadership and change. Associate Professor Martin’s Fellowship will involve collaborative work with Griffith’s colleagues in this area, as well as specialists from Charles Darwin University and Bachelor Institute in the Northern Territory, James Cook University, University of Notre Dame, and the University of New England. The Fellowship also involves valuable collaborations with international scholars in Canada and New Zealand.

Research Intrest

Marine Biology

List of Publications
Martin, K. L. 2014. Review paper: Theme and variations: amphibious air-breathing intertidal fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 84, 577-602. doi: 10.1111/jfb.12270
Martin, K. L. M. and J. G. Raim. 2014. Avian predators target beach spawning marine fish, California Grunion, Leuresthes tenuis. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 113: 187-199
Martin, K. L. M. 2015. Beach Spawning Fishes: Reproduction in an Endangered Ecosystem. Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, 199 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-0797-2. Also available as an e-Book