Karen Feuerman Ph.D

Assistant Professor
Doctoral Program
Carlos Albizu University
Puerto Rico

Professor Clinical Research

Dr. Feuerman obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Miami and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Clinical Psychology from Nova-Southeastern University. She has an extensive clinical and administrative psychology background. Since 1999, Dr. Feuerman has been practicing Correctional Psychology and was the Administrative and Clinical Director of the Dual Diagnosis Program for female offenders for the Florida Department of Corrections from 1999-2006. She was also the Regional Psychologist for South Florida for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice and the Regional Mental Health Consultant for the South Florida Region of the Florida Department of Corrections from 2007-2013. Her primary areas of interest include: Correctional Mental Health, Addictions, Gender-Specific Programming and Sport Psychology.

Research Intrest

PSYCHOLOGY; Clinical Administrator;