Kai von Lewinski

Department of Law
University of Passau


Kai von Lewinski is professor at the University of passau since 2014. He studied law and later in Heidelberg, Berlin (FU) and Freiburg and Traineeship in Berlin, Speyer and london. He completed his Ph.D in Freiburg with Prof. Karin Nehlsen-Von Stryk in 2000. He worked as Assistant Professor at the Humboldt-University and scientific Director at the (Federal)Foundation Data protection.

Research Intrest

Data protection law, robotics journalism and the convergence of media law. professional right of attorneys and tax advisers, the financial constitutional law and resilience law.

List of Publications
Von Lewinski K. Public insolvency and state bankruptcy: the legal management of financial crises of the public sector. Mohr Siebeck; 2011th