Kai Chi Yam

Assistant Professor
Management & Organisation
National University of Singapore


Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2015 M.Sc., Organizational Behavior, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2014 M.A., Human Development, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 2011 B.S., Psychology (with Distinction), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2009

Research Intrest

Judgment And Decision Making Leadership Organizational Behavior Business Ethics

List of Publications
The effects of thought suppression on ethnical decision making: Mental rebound vs. ego depletion, (2015), Journal of Business Ethics
Out of control: A self-control perspective on the link between surface acting and abusive supervision, with Fehr R, Keng-Highberger F, Klotz A and Reynolds S (2016), Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 292-301
From Good Soldiers to Psychologically Entitled: Examining When and Why Citizenship Behavior Leads to Deviance, with Klotz A, He W and Reynolds S J (2017), Academy of Management Journal, 60, 1-24

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management