Justin Carter

Reader in Contemporary Art Practice: Art and Envir
Sculpture & Environmental Art
University of Glasgow
United Kingdom

Professor General Science

Justin Carter is currently working in Glasgow School of Art. He tries to encourage a direct experience of the outdoors in order to question the more institutionalised sites of display such as the gallery and museum.

Research Intrest

His current research is on sites of display such as the gallery and museum and the new technology and knowledge is embraced within this process. His work also make him understand that context occupies a central place in the process of making work and generating ideas.

List of Publications
Paul L, Justin C, Dean F, etal. (2011) Creativity and risk-taking: a view from the studio. Assessing creativity in design:emerging themes for engineering 26-28.
Justin C (2016) In Place of Nature - a response to Leigh Woods. PAN - Philosophy Activism and Nature 12: 161-168.

Global Scientific Words in General Science