Jung Hoon Lee

Associate Professor
Department of Food Science and Technology
Fort Valley State University
United States of America

Professor Food and Nutrition

Prof.Jung Hoon lee, studied Master of Science: Food Science and Technology - University of Tennessee; Knoxville, Tennessee (1997). Doctor of Philosophy: Food Science and Technology with Minor in Statistics - University of Tennessee; Knoxville, Tennessee (2000).

Research Intrest

Principle academic interest including food chemistry/food analysis, food product development, and food preservation, as well as statistics. Research interest including functional components in foods and physiochemical properties of lipids, utilization of agricultural by-products, and health benefits of phytochemicals, as well as meat and dairy product development with the emphasis on storage stability and nutritional issues.

List of Publications
J.H. Lee*, A.M. Saxton, L.O. Pordesimo, J.C. Waller, and S.L. Melton. 2006. Protecting dietary vitamin C and high oleic acid oil in feed and its effect on the nutritional profile of goat milk. J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 5 (1):33-37.
Y.W. Park and J.H. Lee*. 2006. Effect of freezing on organic acid contents and lipolytic index of plain soft and Monterey Jack goat milk cheeses. Small Rumin. Res. 63:58-65.
Park, Y.W., J.H. Lee*, and K.L. Arora. 2004. Effect of 6 months prolonged frozen-storage on changes in organic acid composition of plain soft goat milk cheese. South African J. Anim. Sci. 34: Suppl. 1:186-188.
J.H. Lee*, J.C. Waller, S.L. Melton, A.M. Saxton and L.O. Pordesimo. 2004. Feeding encapsulated ground full-fat soybean supplements to increase polyunsaturated fat levels and effect on flavor volatiles in fresh lamb. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2734-2741.
J.H. Lee*, S.L. Melton, J.C. Waller, and A.M. Saxton. 2004. Modification of physiochemical characteristics of goat milk fat by feeding protected high oleic sunflower oil supplements. J. Food Sci. 69:280-286.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition