Julian Owen

Sport Physiology
Bangor University
United Kingdom

Professor Orthopaedics

Julian gained Following an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry (BSc, JMU) and 3-years working within academic (University of Liverpool) and pharmaceutical research (Astra Zeneca), Julian returned to Liverpool John Moores University to study for an MSc in Sport Physiology. An 8-year period followed working in education and applied sport science within professional soccer, rugby union and international hockey before starting a PhD at Bangor University in 2010. In 2013-2014 Julian was a Postdoctoral Fellow within the School before being appointed as a Lecturer in 2014.

Research Intrest

Research interests lie within the broad area of health and exercise physiology. Current research topics include Human hydration – assessment techniques, effect on exercise performance and health; Respiratory control and dyspnoea in health and disease; Athlete training and health; Interventions to improve exercise tolerance and adherence.