Julia García Prado

Principal Investigator
Viral Immune Evasion and Vaccines (VIRIEVAC)

Professor Biochemistry

Dr. Julia García Prado obtained a degree in Biochemistry, followed by a PhD in Immunology (honours) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2005. A year after completing her PhD, on receiving a prestigious Marie Curie fellowship(European Research Council), she moved to the University of Oxford to continue her post-doctoral research. She has been a Miguel Servet researcher since 2010 and has led a research group in IrsiCaixa since 2013. Her work to date has focused on HIV-1 as a model of persistent viral infection. From a basic-translational perspective, her ultimate research goal is the design of new therapeutic strategies against the virus. Dr. Julia García Prado is also a lecturer and participates in science outreach in society. She is a reviewer for international scientific journals (PLOS ONE, Antiviral Therapy and AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses) and evaluates projects for various research agencies (Medical Research Council of South Africa and ISCIII in Spain). She supervises undergraduate and post-graduate students at various universities and is an associate professor on the MSc in AIDS Pathogenesis and Treatment.

Research Intrest

Biochemistry, Immunology, HIV, Virology

List of Publications
Kløverpris, H. N., Payne, R. P., Sacha, J. B., Rasaiyaah, J. T., Chen, F., Takiguchi, M., … Prado, J. G. (2013). Early Antigen Presentation of Protective HIV-1 KF11Gag and KK10Gag Epitopes from Incoming Viral Particles Facilitates Rapid Recognition of Infected Cells by Specific CD8+ T Cells. Journal of Virology, 87(5), 2628–2638.
Dalmau, Judith; Rotger, Margalida; Erkizia, Itziar; Rauch, Andri; Reche, Pedro; Pino, Maria; Esteve, Anna; Palou, Eduard; Brander, Christian; Paredes, Roger; Phung, Pham; Clotet, Bonaventura; Telenti, Amalio; Martinez-Picado, Javier; Prado, Julia G.; Study Group, CoRP (2014). Highly pathogenic adapted HIV-1 strains limit host immunity and dictate rapid disease progression. AIDS, 28(9), pp. 1261-1272. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097
Noel, N., Peña, R., David, A., Avettand-Fenoel, V., Erkizia, I., Jimenez, E., … Prado, J. G. (2016). Long-Term Spontaneous Control of HIV-1 Is Related to Low Frequency of Infected Cells and Inefficient Viral Reactivation. Journal of Virology, 90(13), 6148–6158.
Jimenez-Moyano, E., Ruiz, A., Kløverpris, H. N., Rodriguez-Plata, M. T., Peña, R., Blondeau, C., … Prado, J. G. (2016). Nonhuman TRIM5 Variants Enhance Recognition of HIV-1-Infected Cells by CD8+ T Cells. Journal of Virology, 90(19), 8552–8562.
Codoñer, F. M., Peña, R., Blanch-Lombarte, O., Jimenez-Moyano, E., Pino, M., Vollbrecht, T., … Prado, J. G. (2017). Gag-protease coevolution analyses define novel structural surfaces in the HIV-1 matrix and capsid involved in resistance to Protease Inhibitors. Scientific Reports, 7, 3717.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry