Julià Blanco

Principal Investigator
Cell Virology and Immunology (VIC)

Professor Immunology

Julià Blanco (PhD in Biochemistry, University of Barcelona (UB), 1994) leads the Cell Virology and Immunology (VIC) group at IrsiCaixa. He has extensively studied the role of the HIV envelope glycoprotein (Env) in virus-cell or cell-to-cell interactions and HIV cytopathicity in a translational environment. In vivo, he has explored the mechanisms involved in CD4 T-cell depletion, analysing the contribution of virological and immunological factors that modulate CD4 and B-cell survival. In parallel, his team has developed experimental models for the analysis of cell-to-cell HIV transmission and Env-induced cell death. Knowledge generated regarding the Env function has also proved useful in analysing anti-Env drug and anti-Env antibody mechanisms of action and in contributing to a better understanding of antibody protection from HIV acquisition and spread. Dr. Blanco recently co-founded AlbaJuna Therapeutics SL as an IrsiCaixa spin-off whose main activity is the development of synthetic antibodies against HIV.

Research Intrest

Infecticious diseases, Biochemistry, HIV, HIV Immunology, AIDS

List of Publications
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. OCT 2016 Elisabet Gómez-Mora; Véronique Robert-Hebmann; Elisabet García; Marta Massanella; Bonaventura Clotet; Cecilia Cabrera; Julià Blanco; Martine Biard-Piechaczyk
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Publish Ahead of Print():, DEC 2016 Lucia Pastor; Erica Parker; Jorge Carrillo; Victor Urrea; Laura Fuente-Soro; Durval Respeito; Chenjerai Jairoce; Inacio Mandomando; Julià Blanco; Denise Naniche show less
Caínzos-Romero T, Sánchez-Trigo S, Marfil-Verchili S, Blanco-Arbués J, Álvarez H, et al. (2017) Treatment of Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis, an Unsolved Issue. Case Report and Literature Review. J Clin Cell Immunol 8:501.
Wilson, E. M. P., & Sereti, I. (2013). Immune restoration after antiretroviral therapy: the pitfalls of hasty or incomplete repairs. Immunological Reviews, 254(1), 343–354.
Lucía Pastor, Aina Casellas, Jorge Carrillo, Sergi Alonso, Erica Parker, Laura Fuente-Soro, Chenjerai Jairoce, Inacio Mandomando, Julià Blanco & Denise NanicheScientific Reports 7, Article number: 8104 (2017)