Research Programme Coordinator
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
Juan DIEZ MEDRANO is a Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Coordinator of the Research Program "Institutions and Networks in a Globalized World" at IBEI (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals). He obtained his PhD. from the University of Michigan (1989) and was formerly employed by the University of California, San Diego (1989-2003), the International University Bremen (2003-2004), and the Universitat de Barcelona. He is the author of Divided Nations (Cornell University Press, 1995), Framing Europe (Princeton University Press, 2003), and numerous scientific articles. He has also been a Visiting Scholar at ZUMA (Mannheim, Germany), the WZB (Berlin, Germany), Sciences Po (Paris, France), and the Freie Universität Berlin (Kolleg Forschungsgruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", 2009). He is currently working on a comparative study among Western trade unions in the United States, Great Britain, France, Austria, and Germany that focuses on their contrasting reactions to free trade agreements with underdeveloped countries. This project is funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education. In recent years, he received research funding from the EC FP6, as national coordinator of the project He is also the national coordinator of the ESF sponsored project "Political Communication Cultures in Western Europe" and the Main Project Coordinator of the ESF sponsored Project EUMARR on binacional marriages between European Union citizens. Finally, he is the Spanish national coordinator for the EC sponsored project, Eurocross. Other activities include work as Program Specialist (P-3) for UNESCO. In 2007 he was part of the international committee that evaluated the European Social Survey for the European Science Foundation. Finally, he is a regular reviewer for American Journal of Sociology, European Union Politics, European Journal of Political Research, Social Forces, Social Problems, and Ethnic and Racial Studies, among others.
European integration, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict