Jürgen Manemann

Department of philosophy
Forschungsinstitut fur Philosophie Hannover


Prof.Dr.Jurgen Manemann main focus is on environmental philosophy, new theories of democracy and politics, the relationship between religion and politics and economic anthropology. he is currently working on a "human ecological policy ethics". he also deal with medical questions.

Research Intrest

Environmental Philosophy,Economic Anthropology, Fundamental Theology. 

List of Publications
Jürgen Manemann: The Jihad and the Nihilism of the West. Why do young Europeans go to war? Bielefeld: Transcript 2015, 136 p.
Jürgen Manemann: "We love death" - jihadism and nihilism. Church and Society No. 430. Cologne: Bachem Media 2016.
Björn Freter: Reality and exi stential practice. Preliminary work on a phenomenology of normativity developed by narrative texts of ancient Greek, New Testament, Middle High German and Classical German literature. Philosophy actual. Studies and Discourses, vol. 14, Berlin: LIT 2016, 548 p
Why is evil good? Hg. And initiated by Birgit Recki. With contributions by Zachary J. Goldberg, Marcel Vondermens and Dennis Badenhop, Mentis 2016, 76 pp., Kart., ISBN: 978-3-95743-050-2, 9,
Burkhard Liebsch : Time-Violence and Violence-Time. Dimensions of the Missed Present, Gray Edition 2017, 370 pp.