Jozef Masarik

 Nuclear Physics and Biophysics 
Comenius University

Professor Physics

He is a Professor in Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics. Vice-Deans & Dean for Faculty Management. Faculty member of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Comenius University in Bratislava.

Research Intrest

Physics, Nuclear Physics, Space Science, Space Sciences, High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics

List of Publications
1. Cosmogenic nuclides in the Košice meteorite: Experimental investigations and Monte Carlo simulations. 2. Noble gases in 18 Martian meteorites and angrite Northwest Africa 7812-Exposure ages, trapped gases, and a re-evaluation of the evidence for solar cosmic ray-produced neon in shergottites and other achondrites. 3. Cosmogenic nuclides in the Košice meteorite: Experimental investigations and Monte Carlo simulations.