Stress-altered synaptic plasticity and DAMP signaling in the hippocampus-PFC axis; elucidating the significance of IGF-1/IGF-1R/CaMKIIα expression in neural changes associated with a prolonged exposure therapy, Ogundele , Olalekan; Ebenezer, Philip; Lee, Charles; Francis, Joseph, 2017, Neuroscience , Volume: 353, Pages: 147-165
Thalamic dopaminergic neurons project to the paraventricular nucleus-rostral ventrolateral medulla/C1 neural circuit, Ogundele , Olalekan; Lee, Charles; Francis, Joseph, 2017, The Anatomical Record , Volume: 300, Number: 7, Pages: 1307-1314
Systemic sympathoexcitation was associated with paraventricular hypothalamic phosphorylation of synaptic CaMKIIα and MAPK/ErK, Ogundele , Olalekan; Rosa, Fernando; Lee, Charles; Francis, Joseph; Dharmakumar, Rohan, 2017, Frontiers in Neuroscience , Volume: 11, Pages: 447