José Martínez Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Clinical Ph.D Program
Carlos Albizu University
Puerto Rico

Professor Psychiatry

El Dr. José Martínez es profesor y  Presidente del IRB de la Universidad Carlos Albizu. Actualmente es mentor de Investigación en Puerto Rico en el “Mentoring Institute for HIV and Mental Health Research” (PRMI)- (NIH 2R25MH083617-04).   Educación:   Ph.D. Psicología Académica/Investigativa - Universidad de Puerto Rico 1999 B.A. Psicología - Universidad de Puerto Rico 1979

Research Intrest

HIV AIDS; Quality of life; Adherence.

List of Publications
Bauermeister, J.J., Puente, A., Martínez, J.V., Cumba, E., Scándar, R.O., & Bauermeister, J.A. (2010). Parent perceived impact of Spaniard boys’ and girls’ inattention, hyperactivity and oppositional defiant behaviors on family life. Journal of Attention Disorders, 14 (3), 247-255. doi: 10.1177/1087054709347180.
Cardalda, E.B., Costantino, G., Martínez, J.V., Alcalá, A., Talavera, J., Hernández, S., Dávila, M., & Gomila, R. (2012). Gender differences in Hispanic children evaluated with the TEMAS and BASC tests. Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología, 23, 31-56.
Bauermeister, J.J., Barkley, R.A. & Bauermeister, J.A., Martínez, J.V., & McBurnett, K. (2012). Validity of the sluggish cognitive tempo, inattention, and hyperactivity symptom dimensions neuropsychological and psychosocial correlates. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40(5), 683-697.doi 10.1007/s10802-011-9602-7