José Ignacio García Palacín

Department of Science and Technology of Materials and Fluids
Laboratory of research in fluidodynamics and combustion technologies (LIFTEC)

Professor Physics

Dr José Ignacio García Palacín has received his PhD in Industrial Engineering from Zaragoza's University in 1992. Currently, he is working as Professor of the University of Zaragoza, Department of Science and Technology of Materials and Fluids,Fluid Mechanics Area, School of Engineering and Architecture.

Research Intrest

"Fluid Dynamics, fluid-mechanical processes, Hydraulic machines, Fluid Installations, Chemical engineering"

List of Publications
Murillo J, Burguete J, Brufau P, García‐Navarro P. Coupling between shallow water and solute flow equations: analysis and management of source terms in 2D. International journal for numerical methods in fluids. 2005 Sep 30;49(3):267-99.
Lozano, García, Barreras, Dopazo. The velocity field in an air-blasted liquid sheet. Laser Techniques Applied to fluid mechanics. Springer- Verlag. ISBN 3-540-66738-5. Berlín.
García, Cerecedo, Calvo, García Palacín, Aísa.. Particle Concentration and local mass flux measurements in two-phase flows with PDA. Application to a study on the dispersion of spherical particles in a turbulent air jet. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2002
J. L. Santolaya, L. A. Aísa, E. Calvo, I. García, and L. M. Cerecedo. Experimental Study of Near-Field Flow Structure in Hollow Cone Pressure Swirl Sprays. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. Marzo-Abril 2007
Burguete, J.,; García-Navarro, P ; Murillo, J. ; , García Palacín, J.I. Analysis of the friction term in the one-dimensional shallow-water model. Journal of HydraulicEngineering Vo: 133 Nº 9 pp 1045 1048 . Septiembre 2007