Jolynn Pek

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
York University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

" Jolynn Pek is an Assistant Professor in the Quantitative Methods program within the Department of Psychology at York University. She completed her Ph.D(2012)in Psychology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and M.S( 2010) in Biostatistics. She is an Quantitative Methodologist whose research is motivated by promoting sound methodological practice in scientific discovery. Quantifying uncertainty due to cases, where measures are devised to identify and evaluate influential cases because they unduly impact model results. Effect sizes, or parameter estimates, are another aspect of model results that carry uncertainty "

Research Intrest

quantifying the uncertainty inherent in statistical results

List of Publications
Pek J, Losardo D, Bauer D J(2011) Condence intervals for a semiparametric approach to nonlinear relations among latent variables. Structural Equation Modeling 18:537-53.
Willoughby M T, Pek J, Greenberg M(2012)Parent-reported attention decit/hyperactivity symptomatology in preschool-aged children: Factor structure, developmental change, and early risk factors. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 40:1301-12.
Pek J, Hoyle R H(2016) On the (in)validity of tests of simple mediation: Threats and solutions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10:150-63.