John B. Loomis

Agriculture and Resource Economics
Colorado State University
United States of America


John B. Loomis is Professor in Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University. He has been invited to write nomination for Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998. He has been awarded from Distinguished Publication Award, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station in 2000. He was Associate Editor of American Journal of Agricultural Economics from 2012-2015.

Research Intrest

John Loomis research interest includes: The economic valuation of non-marketed natural resources such as rivers, recreational fisheries, public lands, endangered species, water quality, and forest fire management. John Loomis research methods include the use of surveys, and involve techniques such as the travel cost, contingent valuation and hedonic property methods.

List of Publications
Haefele M, Loomis J, Bilmes L (2016) The Total Economic Value of the U.S. National Park Service Estimated to be $92 billion: Implications for Policy. The George Wright Forum 33: 335-345.
Loomis J, Haefele M (2017) Quantifying Market and Non-market Benefits and Cost of Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States: A Su6mmary of the Literature. Ecol Econom 138: 160-167.
Bergstrom JC, Loomis J (2017) Economic Valuation of River Restoration: An Analysis of the Valuation Literature and its uses in Decision making. Water Resour Econom 17: 9-19.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture