EPSRC Early Career Fellow
Animal and Plant Sciences
University of Sheffield
United Kingdom
BSc University of Sheffield (2000) MSc Sheffield Hallam University (2000-2002) Marine GIS Officer - Countryside Council for Wales (2001-2003) PhD Manchester Metropolitan University (2003-2007) EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Associate (2007-2015) NERC Researcher Co-investigator (2015-2016) EPSRC Early Career 'Living with Environmental Change Challenge' Fellow (2016-present)
I am an ecologist and a soil scientist. My research focuses on the interactions between soils and the provision on ecosystem services in urban and agricultural ecosystems, this includes: Soil and vegetation carbon budgeting The potential for own-grown food and biofuel production in urban areas, and urban/agricultural land-use trade-offs The mechanisms driving soil-to-own-grown food crop transfer of soil pollutants The mechanisms driving soil carbon storage in urban areas - the importance of black carbon Engaging the public, through the use of citizen science methodologies, and policy-makers with scientific research