Jerry Blackford

Head of Science
Environmental Science
Plymouth University
United Kingdom


Jerry Blackford has a 25 year career specialising in marine system modelling being involved in the development and application of ERSEM since it’s conception in 1991. In recent years he has been particularly concerned with the interaction of high CO2 with marine systems, in the context of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification as well as leading environmental risk assessment and monitoring research for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

Research Intrest

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS),Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

List of Publications
Blackford JC, Bull JM, Cevatoglu M, Connelly DP, Hauton C, et al. (2015) Marine baseline and monitoring strategies for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38. 221-229.
Leslie Mabon, Simon Shackley, Jerry C Blackford, Henrik Stahl and Anuschka Miller (2014). Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: results from social science research. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, 38, 18-25.
D G Jones, S E Beaubien, J C Blackford, E M Foekema, J Lions, et al (2015). Developments since 2005 in understanding potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage from geological storage. Int J of Greenhouse Gas Control, 40, 350-377.