Jennifer Basil

Brooklyn College
United Kingdom

Professor Neurology

After receiving her Ph.D., for which she performed a comparative study of the cognitive and neural correlates of spatial memory in food-storing birds, Jennifer Basil moved to the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., for a post-doc studying the sensory and navigation behavior in a variety of crustaceans. After a Grass Fellowship, Basil became a senior research associate at the MBL, examining the sensory biology and cognition of the Chambered Nautilus. Her laboratory's area of focus is the evolution of complex brains and behavior using the comparative approach, and she uses cephalopod molluscs as her model system. Focus: Animal learning and memory, evolution of brain and behavioral complexity, sensory ecology, and neural basis of behavior -- using primarily invertebrate models.

Research Intrest

Animal learning and memory, evolution of brain and behavioral complexity, sensory ecology, and neural basis of behavior -- using primarily invertebrate models. Honors include: Princeton Review Best Professors, Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society, Grass Fellowship at Woods Hole Marine Laboratory, Honorary Fellowship at University of New South Wales, Faculty Best Professor Award, New York State Regents Scholar, Distinction in Medieval and Renaissance Culture Studies, and Faculty "Awesomeness Award."