Jean-François Schved

Montpellier University Hospital, France

Professor Haematology

Jean-François Schved is doctor, Professor of Hematology at the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier. Its main theme of study and research is the haemostasis, especially hemorrhagic disease, hemophilia, where he was particularly interested in the immune response developed by the hemophiliacs against the therapeutic products used to treat them, and other rare deficits, rare bleeding disorders. Other work focused on thrombotic disease and the risk factors for thrombosis. His team has also conducted important scientific work on red blood cells and genetic iron overload. He published, in collaboration with various units of research or hospital services, more than 200 scientific articles in international journals Hematology research and participated in the writing of many medical books and regularly gives conferences in France and abroad outside of medical literature on hemostasis or transfusion Hematology. He reviews frequently manuscripts for major journals.

Research Intrest

Hematology, Thrombotic disease, Blood disorders