Jean Hare

Quantum Gases
Kastler-Brossel Laboratory

Professor Physics

Prof/Dr Jean Hare has done his degree in physics in Fixed the Control of LP315. Previously he worked as a teaching staff in 2012-2013. Currentl he is a Researcher and a professor Team Optics and nano-objects, theme "Microspheres and Microtores"at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory , in

Research Intrest

Solid-State Cavity QED

List of Publications
Vea Sandoghdar, F Treussart, J Hare, V Lefevre-Seguin, J-M Raimond, S Haroche. Very low threshold whispering-gallery-mode microsphere laser. 1996. Sep. DS Weiss, V Sandoghdar, J Hare, V Lefevre-Seguin, J-M Raimond, S Haroche. Splitting of high-Q Mie modes induced by light backscattering in silica microspheres. 1995. Sep; 20 (18):1835-1837.