Jayanth Narayanan

Associate Professor
Management & Organisation
National University of Singapore


Ph.D., London Business School, UK, 2006 Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources, Human Resources, XLRI Jamshedpur, India, 2000 Bachelor of Engineering, RVCE, Bangalore University, India, 1996

Research Intrest

Physiological Mechanisms In Management Social Consequences Of Mindfulness Understanding The Psychological Effects Of Power And Status On People In Interactions

List of Publications
Power motivates interpersonal connection following social exclusion, with Tai, K. and Kinias, Z. (2013), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 122(2), 257-265
The Influence of Mindful Attention on Value Claiming in Distributive Negotiations: Evidence from Four Laboratory Experiments, with Reb, J. (2013), Mindfulness
Mindfulness at Work: Antecedents and Consequences of Employee Awareness and Absent-mindedness, with Reb, J. and Ho, Z.W. (2013), Mindfulness
Touching a Teddy Bear Mitigates Negative Effects of Social Exclusion to Increase Pro-Social Behavior, with Tai, K and Zheng, X (2011), Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2(6), 618-626

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management