Jason R. Wiles

Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Syracuse University
United States of America


Jason R. Wiles is an associate professor in Department of Biology of Syracuse University, New York United States. He specializes in Evolutionary Biology, Earth Sciences.

Research Intrest

Education research in the Life and Earth Sciences, with special attention to teaching and learning about biological evolution; increasing diversity among students and professionals in STEM fields; science education at all academic levels.

List of Publications
Snyder JJ, Carter BE, Wiles JR, Dirks C (2015) Implementation of the peer-led team-learning instructional model as a stopgap measure improves student achievement for students opting out of laboratory. CBE-Life Sciences Education 14: ar2.
Snyder JJ, Sloane JD, Dunk RD, Wiles JR (2016) Peer-led team learning helps minority students succeed. PLoS biology 14: e1002398.
Carter BE, Conn CC, Wiles JR (2016) Concern About Hunger May Increase Receptivity to GMOs. Trends in plant science 21: 539-541.